2024. 11. 20. 17:28
1. Have you tried ~?
- ~해본 적 있니?
Have you tried turning off and on again? : 껐다 켜봤어?
Have you tried reinstalling the app? : 앱 재설치 해봤어?
2. I've already tried it / I've already done it.
- 벌써 시도해 봤어
3. I haven't tried it yet.
- 아직 시도해보지 않았어
4. Do you know how to ~?
- 하는 방법 알아?
Do you know how to turn the power strip on? : 멀티탭 어떻게 켜는지 알아?
Do you know how to use the rice cooker? 밥솥 어떻게 사용하는지 알아?
Do you know how to plug the HDMI Cable? : HDMI 케이블 어떻게 꽂는지 알아?
Wallpaper : 바탕화면